BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 15.0 MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:China Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:16010101T000000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0800 TZOFFSETTO:+0800 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT ORGANIZER;CN=曼彻斯特大学中国中心 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20220514T143000Z DESCRIPTION:In the afternoon of 14th May, we are delighted to welcome four of our Global MBA alumni who have profound professional experience in HR management and talent development across difference industries, to share the biggest changes and top priorities in organizational design and talent market. DTEND;TZID="China Standard Time":20220514T160000 DTSTAMP:20220514T143000Z DTSTART;TZID="China Standard Time":20220514T143000 LAST-MODIFIED:20220514T143000Z LOCATION:Online PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=zh-cn:Manchester Global MBA Information Session
& Alumni Sharing – Future HR Trends in the Post-Pandemic Era TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:571@ X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text[表情]ml:In the afternoon of 14th May, we are delighted to welcome four of our Global MBA alumni who have profound professional experience in HR management and talent development across difference industries, to share the biggest changes and top priorities in organizational design and talent market. X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:BUSY X-MICROSOFT-CDO-IMPORTANCE:1 X-MICROSOFT-DISALLOW-COUNTER:FALSE X-MS-OLK-AUTOFILLLOCATION:FALSE X-MS-OLK-AUTOSTARTCHECK:FALSE X-MS-OLK-CONFTYPE:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR