
“On the Road” – University of Manchester China Centre Social Responsibility Project May Edition
“曼大在路上” -曼大中国公益系列活动五月策划



5月20日, 曼大中国爱心队将助力由上海新虹社区发展基金会携手上海联劝公益基金会联合发起的第一届以关注白领身心健康为议题的公益筹款活动——虹心照我去益行。




  • 在微信推文(https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wkVxmFDTB_7ChgnIYo9sKA)文末留言你的联系方式(手机号+微信号)和过往行走经历(信息将不对外公开);
  • 如果你成功入选,我们会在下周三(5月9日)前联系你进群完成后续报名步骤。

>>>  曼大中国中心自2008年成立以来就非常重视社会公益事业。不管是单位还是中心员工,对于公益活动都表现出极大的热情和踊跃参与的态度。中心每年在公益事业上不吝投入,充分发挥教育组织的优势,对贫困地区教育事业及儿童健康更是不遗余力,并把参与社会公益事业纳入了中心持久发展规划。从安徽利辛县的“亮眼睛计划”到“一个鸡蛋的暴走”公益50KM徒步募捐活动再到中心近年来启动的长期公益项目,相信并期待:公益活动,曼大中国中心永远在路上!

Date:Sunday 20 May 2018

Venue (Starting and finishing point): Hongqiaotiandi Shopping Mall, No. 688, Shenchang Road


Time: 13:00-16:30 pm

On May 20, the University of Manchester China Centre will gather alumni and staff to participate in “Hong Heart leads me to CSR” project, fundraising for white-collar workers’ mental and physical health. Organized by Shanghai Xinhong Community Development Fundation and Shanghai Lianquan Public Welfare Foundatio, this fundraising event is also an important part of the series events of upcoming China International Import Expo.

The University of Manchester China Centre will call for a team of six to eight people, strive to make it to four checking points in the Xinhong Community within three hours, and accomplish interesting and stimulating games, including first-aids knowledge sessions, fitness dance and interactions, lessons on mental health and quiz shows.

Please don’t hesitate to contact alumni@mbs-worldwide.ac.cn to express your interests in taking part in our team or for further inquiries.

>>>   Since its establishment in 2008, the University of Manchester China Centre, the staff and alumni have been committed to fulfilling social responsibility through fund-raising, volunteering, public lectures and organizing staff and alumni to participate in public welfare activities. From British Chamber’s “Bright Eyes Project” to help children with impaired vision to the 50KM “Egg Walkathon” fundraising campaign for children from migrant worker’s family, the university of Manchester is always on the road making progress in its social responsibility agenda.