In 2023, the world of HR continues to evolve rapidly. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to adapt quickly to remote work and other changes, and HR professionals have had to keep pace with these changes while also planning for the future. On the evening of 30th March, we'll take a look at some of the top HR outlooks and trends that are likely to shape the HR landscape in 2023.
18:30-20:30, 30th March, Thursday
UoM China Centre
*Detailed address will be sent upon successful RSVP via email
In this Industry Talk, we are delighted to invite Mr. Yury Karp, Global Account Director of BIPO as the guest speaker, and Ms Grace Shen, Associate Director, ESG - Education of PWC, Manchester Global MBA Alumna as the panellist. The Manchester Global Part-time Information Session will follow the panel discussion.
Mr. Yury Karp
Ms. Grace Shen
Associate Director,
ESG - Education, PwC
Manchester Global MBA Alumna
The tuition fee is payable in four instalments before the start of each semester. Enjoy Early Application Discount if you submit your application by 26th March 2023.
Scholarship Schemes / Alumni Schemes / Upfront Payment Scheme are available. (*The University of Manchester China Centre offers a one-discount policy)
If you have full membership of ACCA,CPA,CIMA, you can appy Global Finance Accelerated MBA (18 months, scholarships available)
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