
领导力论坛9 - 职业生涯如何可持续化发展 - 外跳还是内动,何去何从?

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Looking for a job in sustainability can be tough- not only is there high competition for open positions, it is also can be hard to determine what exactly you want to do when it comes to sustainability and sustainable business. However, there are ways to not only understand what sort of job is your ideal position in sustainability, but also how to make yourself rise to the top of the résumé pile. In this event you will learn what are some of the best practices for your career development? And how do you deal with recruiters?

On 24th June, you are invited to join this careers development event, together with The University of Hongkong-Fudan University MBA alumni. Two external experts from Morgan McKinley will share their advice on this topic. Simon Zhou, AMBS alumnus and initiator of China Centre Leadership Forum, will facilitate the whole session.

时 间:2017年06月24日,周六(13:45-16:15)
地 点:naked Hub, 6th Floor, 189 Changshou Road
日 程:
13:45 – Open for Registration
14:00 – Opening Speech
14:15 – Developing your career sustainably - externally or internally?
15:30 – Panel Discussion
16:15 – Networking Drinks


嘉宾简介: Rio Goh , Managing Director, Morgan McKinley
With over 10 years’ recruitment experience, Rio joined Morgan McKinley China in January 2014.He is responsible for overseeing China business, covering Banking & Financial services, Finance & Accounting, HR, IT, Industrial & Automotive, Sales & Marketing and Retail & Luxury.

嘉宾简介: Marlon Mai , Operations Director, Morgan McKinley
Experience in Global Management Trainee Program at ABInBev. Over 7 years experience in terms of sales management, business planning and recruitment consulting in FMCG and Headhunting industries. Expertise in recruiting executive positions in finance, accounting, tax and finance, internal control and auditing, strategy and corporate mergers and acquisitions. More than 200 successful cooperative experience with Chinese and foreign enterprises

嘉宾简介: Simon Zhou , Corporate Talent Manager, UK Chemical Company
As an experienced facilitator, he provides insight through open, frank discussions that result in clear actions for the feedback receiver. DDI Leadership 2012 Certified Facilitator in Singapore. MBTI Certified 2016 in USA. DDI Targeted Selection 2013 Certified Facilitator in UK


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