
Registration Now OPEN | Second Magnificent Culture - Mtalk

日期:2020-06-05 浏览:600作者:曼彻斯特大学中国中心


On April 17th 2020, Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association (SORSA) hosted the training session of “2020 SORSA Grant for projects on people-to-people diplomacy activities". “Magnificent Culture (Mculture) Mtalk– Chinese Storytelling and Knowledge Contest for Foreign Friends” proposed by SORSA University of Manchester Alumni Association won the grant and officially opens today for registration.

At the meeting, full-time Vice President and Secretary General at SORSA Lingling Zhu, Communication officers Xiaojing Liu and Zhangyuan Chen shared constructive guidelines and useful advices regarding activities around people-to-people diplomacy. Second year leading SORSA people-to-people diplomatic grant project Mculture to promote Chinese culture among foreign friends, SORSA University of Manchester Alumni Association was particularly mentioned as a good example of newly established chapter which has had a positive impact and been highly recognized at SORSA.

Sherry Fu, Executive Member of the SORSA council, Vice President and Secretary General of SORSA University of Manchester Alumni Association, Director at University of Manchester China Centre, and Yvonne He, Executive Assistant to Director attended the meeting. On January 14th 2017, SORSA University of Manchester Alumni Association was officially launched and witnessed by University of Manchester representations, senior alumni and SORSA leaders. Over the past years, alumni association has strived to closely identify resources, actively expand alumni network, and collaboratively work with the University of Manchester China Centre, SORSA, various chapters under SORSA, Mcloud and other organizations to expand career development, foster social responsibility, enrich learning for alumni as well as to promote international ties and exchanges among culture, economy, science, technology, education and other sectors. In the future, SORSA University of Manchester Alumni Association will continue to develop signature events such as "Magnificent Culture" series, never forget why it started, continue to provide support to alumni and strive to bring together university alumni in the region.

As one of the key organizers, Mcloud was officially launched in Shanghai on December 7th 2017. Mcloud recently launched its brand-new online platform to promote accessible learning in the new era, linking togther scientists and artists to build a strong people-to-people diplomatic platform.

Review of First Mculture Project

Click "RSVP" for registration~