
Manchester Global Part-time MBA-January 2022 Intake Online Information Session

What does an MBA programme do to influence your career and life?

How does your study help to shape your future?

In the evening of Tuesday 9th November, our dedicated recruitment team will provide an insight into our Global MBA. This is your chance to learn more about:

  • Manchester Global MBA Programme structure and assessment
  • Entry requirements and application procedure
  • Answers to your questions and application guidance

The alumni of Manchester Global Part-time MBA will also share with you their experience on the programme and how the programme helped them to take your career to the next step.

Webinar session details

Time: 19:00-20:30, Tuesday 9th November

Via Tencent Meeting (Link will be sent upon successful registration)

The Manchester Global part-time MBA at a glance:

You can complete your MBA Degree in 24 months without leaving your job. After completing the programme, you will receive the same MBA degree as a student studying full time at The University of Manchester.

  • Complete the MBA in 2 years while you continue to work full-time
  • Global immersion: 90 nationalities studying globally at 6 global locations
  • Flexible learning: Advance your global business career whilst continuing to work full-time

Contact us for more programme information