Time & Date: 19:30 – 21:00 CST, Friday, 10th June
Event Venue: Zoom Meeting
*Webinar link will sent upon successful RSVP
Event Language: English
The University of Manchester China Centre is delighted to invites you to join our next Manchester Global Part-time MBA online information session and alumni sharing session on 10th June, 2022.
This webinar is a great opportunity for you to get:
The session will highlight the global career transition our alumni have achieved as well as their learning journey with Manchester Global MBA. Ms. Grace Liu, Senior Manager, AML Strategy and Advice of Macquarie Group, and Mr. Stefan Hiergeist, General Manager of Lidl Asia Pte. Limited (Hong Kong Branch) will join the dialogue with us online.
During the webinar, our Global MBA alumni also reflect on their MBA experiences, discuss the impact the programme has had on their careers while sharing their motivations for choosing the Manchester Global MBA.
Grace LIU
Senior Manager, AML Strategy and Advice
Macquarie Group
Stefan Hiergeist
General Manager, Lidl Asia Pte. Limited
(Hong Kong Branch)
Discover why the Manchester Global MBA is ranked #5 in the world*, how it differs from other programmes, understand the programme structure, admissions criteria & process, financing options and graduate opportunities.
*QS Online MBA Ranking 2021
We look forward to welcoming you online!
Contact China Centre for more programme information
Tel: 021-60701318
Web: www.uom.ac.cn
Email: mba@uom.ac.cn