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Lego Serious Play Method Series - Entrepreneurs wanted!




On 21st May, we have invited one experienced LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator from Constructive.xyz, to run a workshop for us and answer our questions on how this innovative method can facilitate our thinking, communication, and problem-solving.

For this workshop, they will adopt a ‘peer learning’ approach. Participants will build and share some of the key issues facing entrepreneurs today. Topics will include specific issues that will emerge during the early stages of the session. Once they have these out on the table, they will employ divergent thinking techniques to uncover alternative ways to address these issues, and gain insight from all the untapped knowledge and experience in the room.

乐高,第一反应一定是那些彩色的塑料积木玩具。对,但这里,乐高积木成了我们工作中的辅助玩具,辅助引导我们思考、讨论、解决一些实际问题。5月21日,我们邀请到资深Facilitator Oliver Clark,在曼彻斯特大学中国中心,给我们展示这一新颖的启发式课程。此次是创新创业者专场,以后可能会针对其它主题。

Speaker Profile

Oliver Clark

Originally from Oxford in England, Oliver has spent the last eleven years in Seoul, Tokyo and Shanghai working for global leaders in the engineering and IT industries.

Specialising in project management, business processes and business analysis, Oliver built a comprehensive understanding of the nature of business and the tools we use to support it that he now brings to bear in planning and facilitating LSP workshops.

Seats limited to 12 max, first come first serve!
