

Lockdown Lectures Series

Strengthening global partnerships: visit to Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR(President's message - 6 March)
Lockdown Lecture: Q&A with Professor Michael Wood
Lockdown Lectures Series - Dame Professor Nancy Rothwell
Lockdown Lectures Series: Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell Q&A session
Lockdown Lectures Series - Brian Cox
Lockdown Lectures Series - Michael Wood
Lockdown Lectures Series - Professor Kostya Novoselov

Event Review

MSc Financial Management: The Voice from Current Student
英国曼彻斯特商学院资深校友大师课系列—— 精准化与智能化,改写人类未来医疗健康新格局
Educational Leadership in Practice Webinar - Lead the way in your sector
Finanacial Management Insight Session for new students
Educational Leadership Insight Session - The Changing Landscape of Globalising Education
Manchester Global MBA Masterclass - Strategy and Technology
Manchester Global MBA Masterclass in Disruptive Technologies & Sharing Economy
Manchester Global MBA Masterclass in Negotiation Skills
Manchester Global MBA Masterclass - An MBA for an uncertain future
Manchester Global MBA Alumni Sharing - How Manchester MBA transforms your career (Chinese)
Manchester Global MBA Alumni Sharing - How to navigate post-COVID19 career growth?
Senior Alumni Industrial Talk - Innovation Opportunities and Branding Strategies in Beauty Industry (Chinese)
Manchester Global MBA Masterclass - Strategic Management


【大事件】China Centre 10th Anniversary
Manchester City CEO Keynote Speech at China Centre_15th July 2019