曼彻斯特大学全球在职MBA校友,前陶氏杜邦农业事业部创新业务负责人,现任碳衡科技CEO。曾入选福布斯中国30位30岁以下精英榜单,及胡润 Under30s 创业领袖榜单。
徐玉文(Tracy Xu)是曼彻斯特大学全球在职MBA项目(Manchester Global MBA) 2022年1月班在读校友,任职于RGP咨询公司,负责商业流程改造及财务咨询相关工作
就业前十年,Angel并没有把MBA的学习放在首位,而是选择了与人力资源行业关联更密切的心理学等课程,而当她做到人力资源业务伙伴后,她开始认识到企业洞察和对企业整体运营理解的重要性,也在工作中见识到读过MBA的人更开阔的视野和格局,Angel最终加入英国曼彻斯特大学的全球在职MBA(Global MBA)项目。
工作近10年,在德国大陆集团任职7年后,Candice最终选择了曼彻斯特全球在职MBA(Manchester Global MBA)。
第一三共制药产品经理朱同且(Peruts Zhu)于2020年1月入学曼彻斯特大学全球在职MBA(Global MBA)项目。如同许多人一样,起初他并没有想到新冠病毒会给全球带来了如此巨大且深远的影响,但他并没有选择怨天尤人,而是不断调整自我去应对新冠疫情给周遭环境带来的变化。
Before I studied MBA, I found my knowledge in finance and accounting was lacking which affected my decision on investment. Besides, the understanding of competition and strategy helped me with strategic thinking in a global context.
I moved to Asia in 2009, initially I went to South Korea and during the past 4 years I’ve been working in China. As I started to take roles with more responsibilities from a small team to be in management of more than 100 staff, I began to think of pursing an MBA to fulfill my business and management knowledge.
I believe learning makes people humble and strong. It was the right choice for me to pursue an MBA at the stage of my life considering my career and personal development.
The most unforgettable memory during my MBA journey was the live business project with my group mates – we successfully built a company and sold a lot of cars; that secured us a high score in the project.
“AMBS Global MBA might be a best choice for you if you want to pursue a prestigious part-time MBA program without disrupting your current career. The strategic analysis tools, deep business insights and critical thinking I learned from AMBS benefited me in my daily work. This Global MBA helped me a lot on accelerating my career growth and switching from a senior scientist at Philips to a healthcare industry leader with strong business acumen and skillset. It would be hard to imagine that without AMBS MBA, I could have experienced those exciting roles including marketing manager, product manager, BD director and BU head at top MNCs. Besides, the blended learning experiences at AMBS impressed me so much that until today I still recall those Study Group days! They were so inspiring, challenging and fun! The MBA journey really refreshed my way of thinking, empowered me in many ways and rendered me a competitive career advantage. For me, having both PhD from Peking University and MBA from AMBS is something to be proud of. Really.”
16年中国本土经验 16 years of presence in China
30余名国际化优质教研团队 Connect with a team of highly regarded academics
60000名国际校友遍布全球 Global alumni network
曼彻斯特 + 上海 + 迪拜 + 新加坡 + 香港(中国)
Manchester + Shanghai + Dubai + Singapore + Hong Kong (China)