Are you looking to pursue a successful career in the fashion industry? Our MSc International Fashion Marketing part-time course is just for you!
In the afternoon of 24th April 2020, join our Course Director Dr. Patsy Perry will give a special fashion industry keynote speech on the annual commemoration of the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh.
每年的4月24日都是一个特殊的纪念日。2013年的这一天,服装生产大国孟加拉发生了服装史上最惨绝人寰的惨案,一座名为Rana Plaza的八层建筑倒塌,造成一千多人死亡,两千多人受伤。在这场灾难的背后,是时尚品牌对第三世界国家底层人民的剥削与压榨。愈演愈烈的价格战,最终把压力压给了供应链底层的服装工厂。
During this webinar, Patsy will discuss the social and environmental impacts of the fashion industry, highlighting how international fashion brands are innovating in this area and considering the impact of consumer behaviour on sustainability in this industry.
4月24日(周五)下午,曼彻斯特大学国际时尚营销硕士课程主任Patsy Perry博士将在这特殊的纪念日进行主题为“可持续发展时尚革命”的行业分享,与您探讨时尚行业当下面临的社会舆论与坏境影响,时尚品牌在这场革命中所做出的改变,以及在可持续发展大环境下这些改变给消费者行为所带来的影响。
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主讲嘉宾:Patsy Perry 博士 |
活动时间: 16:00-16:30,2020年4月24日,周五
About MSc International Fashion Marketing
MSc International Fashion Marketing part-time course is a blended-learning programme. The course is delivered online using web-enabled technology systems. There are also valuable opportunities to network face-to-face and experience fashion shows in major fashion capital cities across the world.
This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge that allows you pursue a successful career in the fashion industry. Core units provide a solid grounding in fashion marketing from the perspective of the retail brand, the consumer and broader society.
曼彻斯特大学国际时尚营销在职硕士课程 2020年9月班已全面开放申请!不需要时尚设计背景,所有对时尚行业感兴趣的职场人士或商科本科毕业生,均可申请。成功申请即可享有四期免息分期付款。