
线上活动 | 英国曼彻斯特大学国际时尚营销在线课程说明会

MSc International Fashion Marketing Webinar | Dialogue with Course Director

Are you looking to pursue a successful career in the fashion industry? Our MSc International Fashion Marketing part-time course is just for you!

On 17th April 2020, join our Course Director online to find out more about this part-time Master degree course, discount schemes and entry requirements.


In this webinar, Course Director, Dr. Patsy Perry and Course Advisor, Daisy James will provide information on the application process, and discuss the discounts available to students applying to the online, blended MSc in International Fashion Marketing. Register today to find out more about:

  • Course highlights
  • Entry requirements and application guidance
  • Discount schemes
  • Q&A session

4月17日(周五),曼彻斯特大学国际时尚营销硕士课程主任Patsy Perry博士与您在线相约,她将针对最新出炉的折扣政策及更灵活的收生标准,给您带来逐一解答。


活动时间: 18:00-18:30,2020年4月17日,周五



主讲嘉宾 Patsy Perry 博士

Patsy Perry 博士是材料学院时尚营销高级讲师,在时尚营销、电子商务、供应链管理和可持续发展等多个专业任教。她拥有近10年的时尚行业研究经验,尤其针对时尚对环境和社会影响颇有见地,她的研究成果发表在众多学术期刊与书籍中。此外,她还作为特邀嘉宾,频繁出现在BBC早间节目、BBC多个频道的电台与BBC新闻栏目;在英国《每日电讯报》、《独立报》和《观察家报》也常能见到她的学术发表与采访实录。

Dr. Patsy Perry is Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing in the School of Materials and teaches on a number of units on the fashion business programmes relating to fashion marketing, e-commerce, supply chain management and sustainability. She has nearly 10 years research experience in fashion industry. Her expertise includes the environmental and social impacts of fashion and her work has been published in academic journals and books. She has appeared on BBC Breakfast, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Newsbeat, and been featured in The Telegraph, The Independent and The Observer amongst others.


About MSc International Fashion Marketing

MSc International Fashion Marketing is a blended-learning programme. The course is delivered online using web-enabled technology systems. There are also valuable opportunities to network face-to-face and experience fashion shows in major fashion capital cities across the world.

This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge that allows you pursue a successful career in the fashion industry. Core units provide a solid grounding in fashion marketing from the perspective of the retail brand, the consumer and broader society.


曼彻斯特大学国际时尚营销在职硕士课程 2020年9月班已全面开放申请!不需要时尚设计背景,所有对时尚行业感兴趣的职场人士或商科本科毕业生,均可申请。成功申请即可享有四期免息分期付款。 



