The UK is a country that produces gentlemen, from Tom Hiddleston to Dan Stevens, from Benedict Cumberbatch (our UoM alumni ! ) to Henry Cavill. You cannot help but wonder, what is inside the wardrobe of a British gentleman? Who tailored these fine suits for the Kingsman and James Bond? How should we correctly dress in a suit today? Don’t worry! We have got you covered! On 2 July, you will have all the answers.
英国是个批量生产绅士的地方。从洛基Tom Hiddleston到大表哥Dan Stevens,从卷福Benedict Cumberbatch(我们的曼大校友!)再到超人Henry Cavill,他们如同行走的衣架子,成为新一代英伦绅士形象的代言人。我们不禁好奇,他们的衣橱里面都有什么?是哪些人打造了电影《王牌特工》和詹姆斯.邦德的英俊形象吗?男士如何穿西装才显得得体、时髦?别担心,7月2日(周五)晚,我们将为您揭晓答案!
The University of Manchester, China Centre presents you SCABAL: one of the biggest names on Savile Row, weaving the finest English cloth since 1539 and crafting made-to-measure menswear from 1938. In this event, you will meet SCABAL’s bespoke ambassador: Lukasz Kowalcyzk, and China Chief Executive Officer, Joseph Wang. During this event, you will:
曼彻斯特大学中国中心有幸邀请到了英国萨维尔街的百年定制西装品牌世家宝(SCABAL),品牌定制大使Lukasz Kowalcyzk先生和中国区首席执行官Joseph Wang将在曼大中国中心与您相约,带您揭开定制西装的神秘面纱。在本次活动上,您将可以:
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中国区首席执行官 Joseph Wang |
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品牌定制大使Lukasz Kowalczyk |
About MSc International Fashion Marketing
MSc International Fashion Marketing is a blended-learning programme. The course is delivered online using web-enabled technology systems. There are also valuable opportunities to meet and learn from leading fashion industry experts and executives. Network and collaborate with worldwide industry guest speakers and fellow students.
This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge that allows you pursue a successful career in the fashion industry. Core units provide a solid grounding in fashion marketing from the perspective of the retail brand, the consumer and broader society.
曼彻斯特大学国际时尚营销在职硕士课程 2021年9月班已全面开放申请!不需要时尚设计背景,所有对时尚行业感兴趣的职场人士或商科本科毕业生,均可申请。