The integration between fashion and art can always bring unexpected results. Fashion designer Raf Simons collaborated with artist Sterling Ruby. The renowned designer at Dior Homme – Kim Jones has collaborated with world-famous artists like Peter Doig, KAWS and Daniel Arsham. Fair to say, art has influenced and infiltrated fashion in every detail.
时尚与艺术的结合往往会带来意想不到的效果,从Raf Simons与艺术家Sterling Ruby的合作,到Kim Jones设计的Dior Homme与Peter Doig, KAWS 和Daniel Arsham的合作,艺术影响并渗透在时尚的每个细节。
Born in the small town Uithuizen, located in northern Holland, CK Chiu is a Dutch contemporary artist. He came to Shanghai 3 years ago and founded his Nuki independent streetwear brand along with his passion for art. Through his works, CK attempts to bring out the most playful and joyous feelings of childhood by incorporating Nuki and merging contemporary art references. From design to photograph, from video production to content creation, CK all did by himself. His design is worn by many influencers, musicians, and artists.
出生在荷兰北部小镇Uithuizen的当代艺术家赵宗杰(CK Chiu)三年前来到上海,用他自己的艺术创作与他的独立街头时尚品牌Nuki相结合,为大家带来充满活力、有趣快乐的童年感。从时尚设计到摄影,从视频到文案创作,CK都自己亲力亲为,他的品牌受到众多博主、音乐家和艺术家的青睐。
On 22 Oct. 2021, 6.30 PM, The University of Manchester, China Centre presents you the Dutch contemporary artist: CK Chiu. From Netherland to China | Nuki’s Fashion Adventure. In this event, you will meet CK and discover:
曼彻斯特大学中国中心有幸邀请到了荷兰当代艺术家和Nuki品牌创立者赵宗杰(CK Chiu),10月22日(周五)晚他将在曼大中国中心与您相约。在本次活动上,您将可以进一步了解:
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荷兰当代艺术家、Nuki创立者 CK Chiu |
With our part-time online and blended learning master's in International Fashion Marketing, you will have the opportunity to learn about the contemporary fashion business from our team of highly skilled and experienced academics. Complement your online studies and network with your peers through twice-yearly workshops in either Manchester or Shanghai. Part-time study means you can build your knowledge and continue to develop your professional experience.
曼彻斯特大学国际时尚营销在职硕士课程 2022年2月班已全面开放申请!不需要时尚设计背景,所有对时尚行业感兴趣的职场人士或商科本科毕业生,均可申请。在2021年11月29日完成完整申请的成功申请人,可享受10%学费优惠,并同时享有四期免息分期付款。