

The 1st University of Manchester Alumni Education Forum

为进一步加强曼大学者校友之间的交流互动和共同发展, 实现“资源共享、友情互助、深度沟通、共促合作”,特举办曼彻斯特大学学者校友首届教育论坛。本次论坛主办方为曼彻斯特大学中国中心与曼彻斯特大学中国校友会,协办方为曼汉教育科技,具体安排如下:

曼彻斯特大学中国中心 (地址:上海市南京西路1376号上海商城604室)
沪江网—蚂蚁创客 (地址:上海张江高科技园区碧波路690号7号楼)
德稻教育集团 (地址:上海市松江区文翔路2200号上视艺术学院)

In order to strengthen the communication and explore potentials for future cooperation between our alumni and our returned visiting scholars of the University of Manchester (UoM), the first event of our UoM Academic Forum series will be held in Shanghai on 6th and 7th May 2017. It will focus on various mainly heated topics in the field of education and innovation, striving for the realization of the forum principle of “maximizing resource sharing, establishing friendship, improving in-depth communication and cooperation between returned academics and alumni”. This forum is organized by The University of Manchester China Center and the SORSA University of Manchester Alumni Association, with the support from Minhand Education Group. The arrangement of the forum is as following:

Date:6th May 2017 – 7th May 2017
Topic:Academic seminar & Innovation and entrepreneurship in education
Participants:Returned visiting scholars, returned academics and other outstanding alumni of The University of Manchester
The University of Manchester China Center: 604 Shanghai Center, No 1376 Nanjing west road, Shanghai;
Hujiang Net/Antsplan Makerspace: 3,4,5 Floor, Building 7, No 690 Bibo road, Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park;
Shanghai DeTao Masters Academy Group: Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, No 2200 Wenxiang road, Songjiang district, Shanghai
The transport fee has to been paid by the participant himself. The substantial fees for accommodation and food will be covered by the University of Manchester China Center and Minhand Education Group.

孙冰(Sun Bing) 15800308638
何雪羽(He Xueyu) 18802130077
钱慧(Qian Hui) 13357823984

RSVP 报名注册

报名: 请邮件至:Yvonne.he@mbs-worldwide.ac.cn, 并在标题中注明:曼彻斯特大学学者校友首届教育论坛 – 名字 – 入学时间 – 专业。 请在文中注明三站活动是否全部参加或者参加哪一站。 报名截止日期为:2017年5月4日。

To apply: Please drop an email expressing your interest to participate at Yvonne.he@mbs-worldwide.ac.cn. Please entitle the email with ‘The 1st University of Manchester Alumni Education Forum- your name - intake - major'. Please also indicate whether you wish to paticipate in all activities or choose 1st, 2nd, or 3rd stop. Deadline: 04/05/2017.

About Keynote Speaker (at the first stop/the UoM China Centre):

About Guests: 嘉宾介绍
Sherry FU: Direct of The University of Manchester China Center, Envoy to the City of Manchester, Vice-president and General Secretary of the SORSA University of Manchester Alumni Association.
Timo LEI: PwC China Chief Business Development Officer, President of the SORSA University of Manchester Alumni Association.
于 杰—沪江网联合创始人,蚂蚁计划创始人,上海市团委兼职副书记。
YU Jie: Co-Founder of Hujiang Net, Founder of Antsplan, Vice secretary of Youth corps committee of Shanghai (part-time).
Wang Qinghua: Senior Partner of All bright Law Offices, Awarded ‘Top Ten Outstanding Young lawyers’ in Pudong New Area, Senior UoM Alumni, Vice-president of the SORSA University of Manchester Alumni Association.
周 蕾—上海龙舟资本董事长,原英国诺森比亚大学副教授、博导,曼大杰出校友,华人建筑环境专家联盟主席。
Zhou Lei: President of Shanghai Dragonboat Investment Management Co.,LTD, Associate professor and PhD Supervisor at the Northumbria University, Excellent UoM Alumni, Chair of CBEEs.
Yan Jinli: Vice President of DeTao Education Group.