Join us for an insightful session with educational experts in Guangzhou, featuring the esteemed Alumnus of UoM, Mr. Simon Feng, Principal of Majestic International College.
Also, talk to course counselling team from The University of Manchester China Centre, to explore how part-time online/blended learning from leading UK university could help boost your educational career and build your leadership in international education sector.
Event time:Sunday, 19 Nov. 14:30 - 16:00
Event Venue: CBD Area, Tianhe, Guangzhou
Seats are limited; Confirmation will be provided upon successful RSVP.
What to Expect
Exclusive Insights:Learn from the transformative leadership journey of Mr. Simon Feng.
Engaging Dialogue:Participate in a moderated discussion on the impact of principal leadership in international schools.
Networking Opportunity:Mingle with peers and leaders in the educational sector.
Educational Advancement:Discover pathways for your professional growth through the UoM’s Part-time Educational Leadership Master Course.
MA Educational Leadership in Practice

Flexibility:Part-time MA where you can continue to work full-time in your current role whilst studying flexibly
Network:Attend conferences in Shanghai twice a year: opportunity to network with industry and sector peers
:Taught by world-leading academics in the educational leadership field
Ranking:Study at a top UK University, ranked 6th in the UK and 28th in the world (2023 QS World University Rankings)
Now recruiting Feb. 2024 intake!Early application discount with up to 1,700 GBP available by 18 Dec. 2023.
* Seats limited. Contact or 021-60701318 NOW for updated information.
The University of Manchester China Centre