UoM China Center cordially invites you to attend the Manchester Global Part-time MBA Master Open Class in Shanghai this month. Through the sharing of our esteemed professors from Alliance Manchester Business School, we will explore the hottest business topics together. You are welcome to bring colleagues or friends to participate.
Event time:18:30 – 20:30, 16 April, Tuesday
Event Venue:UoM China Centre
Seats limited. Open to professionals with more than 3 years of work experience. A confirmation email will be sent upon successful registration.
This open class in Shanghai will consider the current tools and approaches adopted by entrepreneurs to create new ventures and will discuss the ideas of innovation and the drive to bring to market new technology-based products and services which have resulted in the creation of new and disruptive business models.
Leigh Wharton is a visiting lecturer at Alliance Manchester Business School, lecturing and coordinating modules on the Global MBA programme since 2010 and a full-time programme since 2002, specialising in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. He is a serial entrepreneur creating and a director of a number of businesses, social enterprises and charities. His research doctoral thesis is on preparing early-stage businesses for capital investment. He is the current Social Enterprise Ambassador for the Masood Enterprise Centre.
18:30-19:00 Register
19:00-19:10 Welcome Speech, Ms. Sherry Fu
19:10-20:00 Open Class
20:00-20:15 Q & A
20:15-20:30 Manchester GMBA Info Session
20:30-21:00 Networking Wrap up