
14 Oct. | Leadership and Global Trends for Chinese Business

We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting Manchester Global MBA Masterclass, featuring the esteemed Dr. Marie-Aimée Tourres, Ph.D., Regional Lead Economist - Malaysia. With expertise in Regulatory, Geopolitics, Economic Country Risk, Ethics, Compliance, and Governance, Dr. Tourres will delve into the intricate world of International Business Strategies.

This is a unique opportunity to hear from an industry leader with a wealth of international experience. Whether you're an aspiring leader or an established professional, this masterclass will equip you with the tools and knowledge to excel in global business environments.

Manchester Global MBA Masterclass withDr. Marie-Aimée Tourres

Event time:14 Oct,Monday,19:00 - 20:30

Event venue:UoM China Centre, Shanghai

Free entry, limited seats, for professionals with more than 3 years of working experience. Please scan the QR Code on the poster to register, detailed address will be sent upon successful RSVP via email/phone call.
