
Continue Study Club Event - Strategies for Innovation

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On Nov.18, Allen Mao, founder of UoM China Centre continue study club, will bring the first sharing of the innovation & start-up series: Innovation strategies to the all of us. In this sharing, Allen will talk about the topics as follows:

1. what is innovation?

2. Is innovation in need?

3. How long and how will innovation survive?

If you are thinking of or interesting in the item like these, please join us.

11月18日, 毛建华, 曼大中国中心再学习俱乐部发起人,将给大家分享全新升级版的创新创业系列讲座之一——创新的战略。此次分享,他将和大家探讨一下问题:

1. 创新到底为何物?

2. 真的需要创新吗?

3. 创新到底能活下去吗?


* The event is initiated by Continue Study Club, which is one of the most active clubs in China Centre. Their mission is to lead and encourage alumni to continue study by teaching each other, or discussing together; explore a way to use what we have learnt to management practices.

时 间: November 18, 2017 Saturday ( 14:00 – 16:30 )
地 点:New Upper Hall N312, JiaoTong University, 1804, HuaShan Road (交通大学新上院N312,华山路1804号)

Allen Mao 毛建华
Allen Mao is AMBS alumni who was intake in Jan, 2013. He is the founder of UoM China Centre continue study club and have organized more than 15 sharing activities in UoM China Centre. He has rich working experiences in fortune 500 companies and now he is a copartner of a start-up company. He has shared the topics of disruptive innovation, strategy innovation and complex selling in UoM China Centre, which brought practiced experience to the class.

毛建华是2013年1月入学的MBA校友, 也是曼大中国中心再学习俱乐部发起人,曾组织过约15次分享活动。他有在世界500强企业的工作经历,现为创业公司合伙人。他曾在UoM中国中心分享过颠覆式创新、战略创新、复杂销售等主题,带给大家理论与实战经验。


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