日期:2019-03-14 浏览:1292作者:曼大中国中心
On 12th March, Mr. Allen Mao and Dr. Jian Li, both AMBS Global MBA alumni, delivered a talk on the topic of creative thinking: How to build your brilliant idea, attracting around 40 alumni in attendance. Mr. Allen Mao is the founder of UoM China Centre alumni continue study club and has organized more than 20 sharing activities in UoM China Centre. With rich working experiences in fortune 500 companies and currently a copartner of a start-up company, Allen explored the six-step creative method and brought up up-to-date business thinking and practical experiences to the audience. Dr. Jian Li is the co-founder of UoM China Centre alumni big data and AI club and also the president of UoM China Centre alumni healthcare club committee. As the head of healthcare at Intel IoT Group China, Dr. Jian Li unveiled the myth of creativity and proposed effective creative tools. The session was live-stream broadcasted with around 400 viewers. During the Q&A session, alumni discussed around the theme of creativity and particularly about whether creativity can be taught and learned and ways to achieving so.