日期:2019-06-27 浏览:1697作者:曼大中国中心
June 16th, Shanghai
On Father's day, over 80 alumni and their second generations, friends, China Centre staff and volunteers joined University of Manchester China Centre and SORSA UoM Alumni Association in supporting charity ‘Dialogue in the Dark’(China), striving to increase the public’s awareness of and tolerance for “otherness”.
China Centre Social Responsibility
Led by UoM China Centre Director Ms. Sherry Fu, alumni grouped in two and wore eye masks for the experience. Participants learnt about how to act as guide runners in helping visually impaired and hard of hearing people of all ability levels, whether professional or amateur, to enjoy a more active lifestyle and enjoy the benefits that exercise can provide. Overcoming fear inside and heat outside, many completed the 3-km challenge with eyes closed!
Listening through illustrative example for the specific everyday challenges of disadvantaged people, participant also developed a better understanding about patience, empathy, teamwork as well as a wider awareness about social issues addressed regarding inequality. Amazingly, 80+ participants, including visually impaired and hard of hearing people, completed the full circle of hula pass through in 8 minutes, with eyes closed!1
Sweet Memories
As one participant shared on social media, ‘learning about running in the dark was a truly inspiring session. Thank you UoM China Centre for brining Manchester Day of Action to Shanghai, combing sustainable development goal, social responsibility with UoM global alumni network’.