
同舟共济 共克时艰 | 曼大校长女爵士Nancy Rothwell教授致信

日期:2020-02-06 浏览:2424作者:曼彻斯特大学中国中心



Message from the President and Vice-Chancellor

Nancy Rothwell教授


近日,曼彻斯特大学校长,女爵士Nancy Rothwell教授亲自致信身在中国的曼大学生、校友及教职员工,向中国传递来自曼彻斯特巨大的支持、关心与鼓励。


  • 大学正在尽一切努力确保我们的教职员工和学生的安全,并将密切跟踪疫情发展并根据英国政府的最新建议提供进一步的指导与支持。
  • 建议在中国的学生,在条件允许的情况下尽快返回英国。大学持续与中国的学生及教职员工保持紧密的联络,并与英国相关部门密切协作,最大程度降低疫情对他们的影响。
  • 呼吁大学在这段困难时期相互支持,给予疫情防控最大的鼓励与帮助。


——Nancy Rothwell 曼彻斯特大学校长


Dear colleague,

Many of you will no doubt have been following the news of the coronavirus outbreak in China which has been raised with me in my meetings with staff and students this week.

It has also been reported that there are some confirmed cases in the UK, and though no further details have been released, I am writing to assure you that our University is doing everything possible to ensure the safety of our staff and students and will continue to provide guidance, based on the latest UK Government advice, to our community.

We have been in contact with our staff and students in mainland China who are on University business, studying or on a placement and have taken steps to repatriate them, where appropriate.

We also recommend that all other students who are in China return to the UK if they are able to do so. If you are a Chinese national and unable to return to the UK, please let your School or line manager know so that arrangements can be put in place to support your studies or work and to reassure you. We are very keen to stay in contact and help however we can.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s (FCO) latest travel advice is that there should be no non-essential travel to mainland China and advises against all travel to Hubei Province. Staff and students, therefore, should not travel to China before the end of February or until the FCO advice changes. We will continue to monitor FCO advice and will review the situation following 10 February when many Chinese businesses are currently due to reopen following an extended public holiday.

It is important to state that the NHS is very extremely well-prepared and used to managing infections, and Public Health England has stressed that there is not a high risk to the public. However, on campus we are asking you to familiarise yourself with the latest advice from Public Health England.

This is a fast-moving situation and I and senior colleagues are reviewing our response and guidance on a daily basis – which means we will issue further updates. We will continue to carry out our normal teaching and other activities as normal while taking regular advice.

We appreciate that this is a worrying time for our staff and students, especially those from China and those who may have friends and relatives in the affected regions – and we ask that we act together as a University community in supporting each other through this difficult time.

We have compiled a frequently asked questions which is regularly updated and can be found online. The latest updates are also posted on our staff and student news channels.

If you have a question that cannot be answered using the FAQs, please write to Director for the Student Experience, simon-merrywest@manchester.ac.uk and we will ensure you receive a response.

Kind regards

Nancy Rothwell

President and Vice-Chancellor


