日期:2020-07-22 浏览:1759作者:曼彻斯特大学中国中心
Event Review | ‘Manchester Day of Action’ in Shanghai
Manchester Day of Action is our annual community volunteering project for alumni around the world.
On Saturday 18th Jul, about 100 University of Manchester alumni, students, staff and their kids joined small sports matches with people who are visually or hearing impaired in Shanghai. This is the 2nd year we cooperate with "Dialogue in the dark"(China) for charity initiatives. We aim to addresses United Nations sustainable development goal three: ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages, in line with our university's social responsibility goals.
Led by the university of Manchester China Centre Director Sherry Fu, this year’s MDoA took place in a team-building format, encouraging our students, alumni and disabled groups from charity ‘Dialogue in the Dark’(China) to enjoy and embrace together the a more active lifestyle and the benefits that a healthy active lifestyle can help provide. Alumni were also inspired to directly contribute to this agenda by donating 500 pounds for these disable people who joined the event. Volunteers from charity ‘Dialogue in the Dark’(China) with different levels of vision disability first illustrated examples of challenges disabled people face for everyday tasks including daily commute, eating and using mobile phones. Then the volunteers taught about how to act as guides in assisting visually impaired and hard of hearing people of all ability levels with walking and running. Overcoming fear inside and heat outside, our participants split in groups and engaged in different sports activities with their eyes closed.
After the event, many participants shared their feelings on social media. By putting on eye masks to immerse themselves in the same environment faced by visually impaired people, our participants were able to develop a better understanding about patience, empathy, teamwork as well as a wider awareness about promoting wellbeing for all at all ages, especially in the post-pandemic time.