日期:2020-09-09 浏览:1672作者:曼彻斯特大学中国中心
SORSA民间外交活动资助项目—— 第二届 “曼享文化” 外国友人故事汇大赛初赛网络投票结果已出炉。此次活动由上海市欧美同学会主办,上海市欧美同学会曼彻斯特大学校友会、曼享汇承办,曼彻斯特大学中国中心协办,感谢上海友协支持本次活动。目前,近3,000名观众已经参与首轮投票。
We are proud to announce that the Final of Second Magnificent Culture - Mtalk is to be held on Wednesday afternoon, 21st October 2020 at University of Manchester (UoM) China Centre. “Magnificent Culture (Mculture) Mtalk– Chinese Storytelling and Knowledge Contest for Foreign Friends” has received nearly 3,000 votes in the online voting stage of preliminary round.
The final round will embrace a magnificent day of Chinese cultural feast where a high-profile judge panel consisting of experts in the field of people-to-people diplomacy, distinguished representation from SORSA, UoM alumni, foreign friends studying, working and living in China will gather and enjoy an half-day authentic touch and feel of traditional Chinese culture. It is hoped that our continuous efforts in promoting Chinese culture among foreign friends will step up people-to-people diplomacy at this crucial moment and further contribute to a community of shared future for mankind and a brighter prospect of Sino-foreign relations.
Thanks for your support! Each vote will be carried and accumulated towards their final round score!