

日期:2021-01-20 浏览:1542作者:曼彻斯特大学中国中心

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曼彻斯特大学中国中心主任傅潇霄女士首先致欢迎词, “首先欢迎各位新生来到全新升级的中国中心,开启你们的曼彻斯特全球在职MBA学习之旅。2020年对我们每一个人而言都意义深远,新冠疫情给全球带来了巨大考验,在这样的一场战疫中,我们经历过彷徨、痛苦,但随之而来的是巨大的勇气与对未来的无限憧憬。我相信,未来两年的MBA学习会让大家以全新的视角和理念迎接未来未知的挑战,并获得重新审视和规划人生的能力。与此同时,全球肆虐的疫情让我们更深刻地认识到了全球合作的重要性,我相信曼彻斯特全球在职MBA所构建的全球职业发展网络将给大家带来不同文化背景下的思想碰撞。”




Shen Jie

Finance Director

I am delighted to be enrolled to this Global MBA program which I have followed for a long time.  It is a time of uncertainty for everyone -- with the COVID, the fast moving political economy, the technology innovation that brings to us.  The secret to deal with uncertainty is assertiveness. That’s what I am expecting to get from this program, to gain the cutting-edge and comprehensive knowledge of real world business.  I am also looking forward to learn from my peers from diversified background and extend my focus from finance to a more holistic view of business.

Zhang Lei

China HR Director
Incadea China

I am highly glad and exciting to join Global MBA programme from University of Manchester. It's a great opportunities for me to learn idea and knowledge via the the programme. I hope it will help me in not only academic studies upgrade but also in career development and business network expand. Besides, I am really looking forward to share the experience and best practice with those top talents across the world.  Let's have a remarkable journey and enjoy it in the next 2 years!

Cao Wen

Director of International Section
HuZ International School

The inspiration for my Manchester MBA Journey is exactly that - a ‘journey’. I reached a point in my career within educational management where I felt the need to take a more direct path, or journey, to my future. I’d heard from friends about the quality of the Shanghai Centre and the passion of its leaders which made me think I’d love Manchester to guide me on my journey! When I subsequently researched more about the Course I discovered two things - an opportunity to learn alongside a wide spectrum of other students and secondly that team development / collaborative learning is a key criteria. I believe this is what I need - because a journey shouldn’t be embarked upon in isolation - it should be shared. I’m very much looking forward to learning from great academics and alongside other students. I want to be inspired, challenged and developed. Thank you Manchester - for this opportunity to take the next significant steps on my life-journey!

Zhou Shulin

Senior Investment Manager
Sinochem International

To identify the certainty of the VUCA era and be ready for the fast-changing world, what I can do first is to upgrade myself. After 16-year career experience, I think it’s the right time to trigger a systemic learning. I much appreciate this opportunity to join Manchester Global MBA programme, where I expect to update my knowledge system, meet talented minds from different industries and cultures, widen my networking and broaden my career view. I was deeply impressed by the “learning by doing” method and pragmatic content. Looking forward to such a challenging but productive journey.