日期:2021-08-27 浏览:1955作者:曼彻斯特大学中国中心
2021年7月19日晚,曼彻斯特大学校长女爵士南希·罗斯韦尔教授为中国区校友举办了一场线上讲话,与广大中国校友分享了曼彻斯特大学近期的发展与收获,并与大家共同展望了未来曼彻斯特大学与中国更紧密的合作与联系,同时强调,面对危机,大学更应积极履行社会责任,发挥更大的社会价值。当晚,与南希·罗斯韦尔教授共同与中国校友见面的是全英最大的大学博物馆——曼彻斯特博物馆馆长Esme Ward教授。本篇带来曼彻斯特大学校长女爵士南希·罗斯韦尔教授发言稿。
· 感谢Sherry主持这次直播, 感谢大家今晚的参与。我期待着不久能去中国,亲自见到你们。
· 特别感谢遍布中国大陆的各大校友会,感谢你们为保持校友与大学的联系所做的一切。我们非常感谢每一个帮助我们与未来曼大学子交流、帮助我们培养毕业生就业技能、参于到活动或社会责任活动中来的你们。
· 我们自豪的是,有超过8000名来自中国的学生已注册,在中国各地有近3万名校友,今年有5.7万名中国学生申请来到曼大学习,这表明我们仍然非常受欢迎。
· 我们在中国有大量的合作伙伴;包括去年刚刚启动的与清华大学合作的合成与系统生物学双学位博士项目。
· COVID-19继续对我们所有人产生影响。然而,随着疫苗接种计划在英国和中国的成功,我们希望下一学年的情况会更加乐观。我们的目标是回到线下教学,由线上教学辅助,而非取代。在疫情状况允许的情况下,我们希望所有深受学生喜爱的活动都能恢复正常。我们正在协调飞往中国的航班。对于即将前往英国的学生们,你们可以选择自我隔离十天,而非必须在指定场所。我们将为需要的学生提供疫苗接种和定期核酸检测。当然,对于不能前往英国的学生,你们第一学期可以选择在线学习,我们非常希望能很快见到你。
· 在疫情期间,我们增加了对COVID-19的研究,大学获得了涉及疫情对健康、经济、政治和社会的影响的10个大奖,总计350万英镑。
· COVID-19改变了我们许多学生的处境,因此大学启动了学生紧急困难基金,并在来自80个国家的3000多名捐赠者的支持下筹集了160多万英镑。这是英国同类活动中最成功的一次募捐活动。对于今天在场并为我们的呼吁捐款的各位,请允许我借此机会再次表示感谢。
· 我们的捐助者已经为支持学生提供了紧急资助基金,包括笔记本电脑贷款和新的心理健康护士宿管计划。超过450名曼彻斯特的医疗护理和社会护理学生成为NHS自愿者。我们与合作伙伴大学一道为一线NHS工作人员3D打印了安全设备。
· 你可能已经听闻,在今年的《泰晤士报高等教育》的影响力排名中,曼大位居世界第一。这份排名衡量了来自98个国家的1200多所大学对17个联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)的社会和环境影响。这是该排名三年以来,英国大学首次登上榜首,也是今年唯一进入前十的英国大学。该排行榜首次尝试衡量大学在其研究、教学、公众参与和校园运营等所有活动方面的社会影响力。这对我来说是一个非常重要的关注点,十年前,我们大胆决定将社会责任置于我们三个核心战略目标之一。通过参与“曼彻斯特行动日”等项目,校友们为这个社会影响力排名做出了巨大贡献。
· 先进材料:graphene@manchester帮助建立了先进材料疫情工作组,以推动PPE和数字卫生领域的科学技术创新的跨学科研究,从而对抗疫情。
· 可持续性:我们正在通过轻量化、电池以及其他领域和研究的各种创新为其他极为重要的全球挑战如净零、可持续性做出巨大贡献
· 癌症:我们是国际癌症早期检测联盟的成员(CRUK未来5年将投资4000万英镑),建立一个由世界领先的多学科癌症早期检测地点组成的国际联盟,共同协作和解决癌症早期检测问题。
· 全球不平等:大学全球发展研究所(GDI)的获得3200万英镑的研究经费以解决非洲一些发展最快的城市地区的复杂问题。
· 工业生物技术:曼彻斯特大学的曼彻斯特生物技术研究所(MIB)被授予女王周年奖,以表彰该研究所作为英国的卓越中心在寻找替代和更可持续的燃料、药物和先进材料方面产生了全球影响。
· 能源:大曼彻斯特能源创新署(Greater Manchester Energy Innovation Agency)成立旨在创新并实现该地区2038年的碳中和目标。
· 大学连续3年作为英国前100名毕业生雇主的第一目标大学。
· 我们在最佳大学排名中位列27,保持了我们在QS世界大学排名中最高的位置。
· 曼彻斯特商学院MBA在《金融时报》全球MBA排名30位,相较去年上升了15个名次。
· 我们与香港中文大学的伙伴关系继续在人工智能、健康和健康科学方面取得良好进展。
· 我们继续与其他中国大学、以及多伦多大学和墨尔本大学开展广泛的国际合作。
· Christabel Pankhurst健康技术与创新研究所(The Christabel Pankhurst Institute for Health Technology and Innovation)成立,旨在最大限度地发挥曼彻斯特在数字健康和先进材料方面的学术优势,以发现创新的健康和护理解决方案( 2500万英镑)。
· 许多校园发展项目已经重新开始——在疫情开始时暂停的项目现在又重新开始了,包括曼彻斯特工程校园开发(MECD),这是英国高等教育业完成的最大的单个建设项目。前两层将于今年9月开放,并将于2022年9月全部完工。完成后,MECD将容纳8000名学生、研究人员、学术和专业服务人员。
· 我们很高兴地宣布,我们在改造曼彻斯特创新区有一个当地的合作伙伴——Bruntwood Sci Tech将加入我们,以振兴萨克维尔街(Sackville Street)外的北校区,并创建一个新的合作和创新中心,这是一个15亿英镑的发展项目。
· 新帕特森癌症研究大楼的工作正在进行中,同时也是曼彻斯特博物馆的一项重大重建工作——我的同事Esme Ward教授等会将谈到这一点。
· 2024年将庆祝大学200周年,系列庆祝活动已经在全球范围内展开讨论。我们欢迎您的建议和贡献。
· COVID-19让我们的生活变得不同甚至困难。我们在曼彻斯特做得很好,由衷希望您能来看我们,我们希望在不久的将来见到您。
· 感谢大家参加我们的活动和一直以来的支持。
· 特别感谢我们在中国大陆的校友志愿者们在各省运行校友社群、连接校友与母校,过去的18个月里,连接显得尤为重要,使大家在一起、彼此交流、参与社会责任项目、与对曼大感兴趣的学子交流。
· 随着从疫情中走出,我们希望你们继续支持我们,支持学校,鼓励学生来曼彻斯特学习,在毕业生开始职业生涯时提供建议,支持您当地社区的重要议题。
· 请将您的联系方式及时告知我们,以便我们能让您了解这些机会。
· 如果你还没有,一定要联系中国大陆的校友会——中国的校友会在大多数省份都有分会;在上海,我们专门设立了上海市欧美同学会曼大校友会。我们将在活动结束后通过电子邮件详细介绍如何加入。
· 非常感谢Sherry和她在上海的团队对此次活动以及许多校友活动的支持。欢迎访问曼大中国中心或联系他们并保持联系。
· 再次感谢您。希望您安然无恙,我们在不远的将来相见。我们期待着欢迎您参加我们的下一个活动,无论是线上还是面对面,曼彻斯特大学永远欢迎您。
Below for English speech script by President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell
· Thank you to Sherry for hosting this live stream and thanks to you all for joining us this evening. I look forward to being able to travel to China soon to see you all in person.
· A special thank you to the Alumni Associations across mainland China for all you do to help keep alumni connected to the University. We’re hugely grateful to everyone who has helped us talk to prospective students, supported our employability skills for our graduates or taken part in events or socially responsible activity.
· We are proud to have over 8,000 students from China registered with us, nearly 30,000 alumni across China and this year 57,000 applicants to study from China so that shows we are still really popular.
· We have a huge portfolio of partnerships across China; including, launched just last year, a dual degree PhD programme in Synthetic and Systems Biology, delivered jointly with Tsinghua University
· COVID-19 continues to have an impact on all of us. However, with the success of the vaccination programme here in the UK and I think also in China we do hope that the next academic year will be much more positive.We are aiming to go back to in-person teaching supplemented with online, not replaced with online and covid permitting we hope that all the activities students normally enjoy will be able to go back to normal. We are working on flights coming into China and by the way any prospective students coming through China please let them know they will not have to quarantine in special facility they can just isolate for 10 days in wherever they are staying and we will be offering vaccination or boosts to any students who need it and regular testing. Of course if any students who can’t make it, they can study online for the first semester we very much hope we can welcome you in person.
· Over the period of Covid, we have increased the research into Covid-19 and the University has won 10 awards addressing health, economic, political and social impact of the pandemic, totalling £3.5m.
· Covid-19 changed the landscape for many of our students and so The University launched the Emergency Hardship Fund for students to be supported and raised over £1.6m with the support of over 3,000 donors from 80 countries. This is the most successful fundraising campaign of its kind in the UK. For those of you who are present today and did donate to our wonderful appeal, please let me take this opportunity to say thank you once again.
· Our donors have helped to fund emergency grants to support students, including laptop loans and funding towards a new Mental Health Nurse in Halls. Over 450 medical nursing and social care students across Manchester volunteered to support the NHS. With our partner Universities, we 3D printed safety equipment for front-line NHS workers.
· As you may already know, the University has been ranked number one in the world in the Times Higher Education’s Impact Rankings. This ranking of more than 1,200 universities from 98 countries, measures social and environmental impact towards the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is the first time in the three-year existence of the ranking that a UK university has come top, and we are the only institution from the UK in the top ten this year. This ranking is the first to try to measure universities’ social impact across their full range of activities – their research, teaching, public engagement and campus operations. This is an issue that is very important to me and it is fitting that this news comes exactly ten years since we took the bold decision to place social responsibility at the forefront of our own strategy and ambitions as one of our three core goals. By taking part in programmes like Manchester Day of Action – alumni have made great contributions to this social impact ranking.
Research beacons headlines
· Advanced materials: graphene@manchester helped set up the Advanced Materials Pandemic Taskforce to drive multidisciplinary research in science and technology innovations in PPE and digital health to help combat pandemics.
· Sustainability: we are now contributing greatly to the other really important challenge across the globe net zero and sustainability through light weighting, through batteries and all sorts of innovation and materials in other areas and research
· Cancer: We are member of the International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection (CRUK investing up to £40m over the next five years) establishing an international alliance of world-leading, multidisciplinary cancer early detection locations to collaborate and tackle early detection of cancer together.
· Global Inequalities: Researchers from the University’s Global Development Institute (GDI) have been awarded a research contract of £32m to tackle complex problems in some of Africa’s fastest growing urban areas.
· Industrial Biotechnology: The University’s Manchester Institute of Biotechnology (MIB) was awarded a Queen’s Anniversary Prize to recognise the MIB as a UK centre of excellence that is making a global impact - finding alternative and more sustainable fuels, medicines and advanced materials.
· Energy: Greater Manchester Energy Innovation Agency established to innovate and meet the region’s 2038 carbon neutral target
Other University news
· The University continues to be the most targeted University by the UK’s top 100 graduate employers for the 3rd consecutive year.
· We’re ranked 27th best University, maintaining our highest ever position in the QS World University Rankings
· Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) MBA has been ranked 30th in the world in the Financial Times Global MBA Ranking 2021. This represents an increase of 15 places from last year.
· Our partnership with the Chinese University of Hong Kong continues to progress well with developments in AI, health and health sciences.
· The University continues to have a far-reaching international agenda with partnerships with other Chinese universities, and the University of Toronto and Melbourne.
· The Christabel Pankhurst Institute for Health Technology and Innovation was launched to maximise Manchester’s academic strengths in digital health and advanced materials to discover innovative health and care solutions, a £25m development.
· A lot of development activity has started again on Campus - after pausing all capital programmes at the start of the pandemic these have now started again, including the Manchester Engineering Campus Development (MECD), the biggest single construction project ever completed by a Higher education sector anywhere in the UK. The first 2 floors are opening in September with the building being completed by September 2022. On completion MECD will house a community of 8,000 students, researchers, academic and professional services staff.
· We are happy to announce that we have a local partner for the transformation of Innovation District Manchester – Bruntwood Sci Tech will be joining us to revitalise the North Campus off Sackville Street and create a hub for new partnerships and innovation, a £1.5bm development.
· Work on the new Paterson Cancer Research Building is ongoing as is a major re-development of the Manchester Museum – which my colleague Professor Esme Ward will talk about shortly.
· The University is excited to be celebrating its 200thanniversary in 2024 with discussions of how to celebrate across the world already in process. We welcome your suggestion and contributions.
· COVID-19 has made our life different and in some way difficult. We are doing well in Manchester. I do hope you are coming to see us as I hope to see you in the near future.
· Thank you all for joining us this event and continuing support.
· A huge thank you to all of our alumni volunteers across mainland China, running alumni groups across the provinces to keep everyone connected and connections have been more important than ever over the past 18 months keeping together and talking to each other, getting involved with our social responsibility programmes and taking efforts to talk to potential students interested in Manchester.
· As the institution emerges from the pandemic, we hope that you’ll continue to support us by advocating for the University, inspiring the next generation of students to study at Manchester, providing advice as our graduates starting their careers, and championing important causes in your local communities.
· Please keep your contact details up to date with us so that we can let you know about these opportunities.
· If you haven’t already, make sure you connect with the Alumni Associations across mainland China – the Alumni Association for China has branches in most provinces, there’s also an Alumni Association specifically based in Shanghai. We’ll include details for how you can connect via email after this event.
· Thank you very much to Sherry and her team in Shanghai for supporting this and many alumni events for the University. Please do visit the centre or reach out to them and stay connected.
· Thank you again. I hope that you stay safe and well and hope that our paths cross in the not-too-distant future. We look forward to welcoming you to our next event whether it’s online or in person you are always very welcomed to the University of Manchester.