日期:2022-12-22 浏览:2255作者:曼彻斯特大学中国中心
On the afternoon of 26th November, UoM China Centre Golf Club was officially launched.
The University of Manchester Alumni Golf WeChat Group was created in December 2021. On the occasion of its first anniversary, the University of Manchester Alumni Golf Club was officially launched. We sincerely hope that more golf fans will join us in the future.
Golf originated from a game played on the eastern coast of Scotland, in an area close to the royal capital of Edinburgh. In those early days players would attempt to hit a pebble over sand dunes and around tracks using a bent stick or club. During the 15th century, Scotland prepared to defend itself, yet again, against an invasion by the ‘Auld Enemy’. The nation’s enthusiastic pursuit of golf, however, led many to neglect their military training, so much so that the Scottish parliament of King James II banned the sport in 1457. Golf came to China when the Shanghai Golf Club was formed in 1896, until which time the game was apparently unknown outside Hong Kong.
Golf is called a gentleman’s game for good reason. This sport even has its very own rules of etiquette. Despite the common assumption that these rules of golf etiquette are all about maintaining the gentlemanly state of the game for the most part, they each have practical purposes. The general reasons behind the rules of golf etiquette are: to ensure the safety of golfers on the course; to keep the flow of the game going; or to assist in the maintenance of the golf course.
成立仪式当天,曼彻斯特大学中国中心主任、高尔夫俱乐部名誉主席Sherry FU,曼彻斯特大学GMBA校友、高尔夫俱乐部创始人Nana GONG,曼彻斯特大学GMBA校友、高尔夫俱乐部创始成员Tracy LIU、Vancey LIEN、Jinglu HAN、Andrew POON、Vivian XU亲临现场,庆祝俱乐部成立,交流球技、共商来年活动安排。
UoM China Centre Founding Director, Chairman of Golf Club Honor Committee Sherry FU, UoM GMBA alumnus, Founder of Golf Club, and UoM GMBA alumni, founding members of Golf Club Tracy LIU、Vancey LIEN、Jinglu HAN、Andrew POON、Vivian XU came to the launch ceremony to celebrate the establishment of the club, exchange sport skills, and discuss upcoming events for next year.
曼彻斯特大学中国中心主任Sherry FU女士做开场发言,她提出,高尔夫俱乐部的成立是一件非常有意义的事情,可以给更多高尔夫爱好者一个交流的平台,也为大家增加商业合作、互相学习的机会。希望高尔夫俱乐部可以保持活跃、多多组织活动。
曼彻斯特大学商学院GMBA校友Nana GONG女士作为俱乐部的创始人,为大家分享创建俱乐部的初衷。成立高尔夫俱乐部是为了给曼大中国校友搭建平台以球会友、切磋球技,增强校友之间的联系。未来通过与其他商学院共同举办高尔夫赛事,增加合作机会、扩大曼大校友会影响力。
Ms. Sherry FU, director of UoM China Center delivered an opening speech. She pointed out that the establishment of the golf club provides a platform for more golf lovers to communicate and increase opportunities for business cooperation. As the founder of the golf club, Ms. Nana GONG, GMBA alumnus of UoM China Centre, shared the original intentions of starting the club, which is to provide a golf sports interaction channel for UoM alumni in China, for better learning and improving on the sports skills together and to share the dynamics states of international golf tournaments/ golf events sponsored by alumni’s companies/ domestic business school alliances’ golf events, etc., as to enhance interaction between UoM alumni. She mentioned that we expect to form an alumni golf team in the future to participate in golf competitions with other business school alliances and explore the possibility of business cooperation along the way.
More events coming soon next year, please stay tuned for more updates!
The University of Manchester Alumni Association wishes you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!