

日期:2023-03-21 浏览:2138作者:曼彻斯特大学中国中心

UoM China Centre Golf Club Spring Salon

3月18日周六,曼大中国中心高尔夫俱乐部春季沙龙活动成功举办,共有20余位曼大校友及来自其他院校的高尔夫爱好者齐聚Lounge by Top Golf,享受春季高尔夫派对。

On March 18th, 2023, The University of Manchester China Centre Golf Club Spring Salon was successfully held at the Lounge by Topgolf, with nearly 20 alumni and guests participating in the event.

Event Review


Spring Salon began with an opening speech by Sherry FU, Founding Director of UoM China Centre, Chairman of the Honor Committee of Golf Club, and President of Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association Changning Branch, welcoming all alumni and guests to the event.

Ms. Sherry FU


Following the opening speech, Mr. Haihong SHEN, founder of HuGaoHui Golf Club, Vice President of Tongji University Alumni Golf Team and Vice President of Shanghai Jiaotong University Overseas Golf Club, shared his expertise on golf techniques, sharing his years of experience and skills with the audience and giving demonstrations on site.

Mr. Haihong SHEN

高尔夫俱乐部创始人Nana GONG女士回顾高尔夫俱乐部的创建历程和成立的初衷,感谢高尔夫俱乐部创始成员对活动的支持和赞助。

Nana GONG, Founder of Golf Club, reviewed the history and founding purpose of golf club, introducing founding members and thanking them for their support and sponsorship.

Ms. Nana GONG


At the end, alumni engaged in interactive screen games and business networking, enjoying the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. This event not only offered alumni the opportunity to stay involved with and connect to the University and fellow alumni, but also showed the charm of golf, laying the groundwork for more events in the future.


1、校友Vance Lien赞助高尔夫球奖品

2、校友Derek Tsang赞助摄影摄像

3、校友Vincent YE赞助食品伴手礼

4、校友Nana Gong赞助活动茶歇
