
曼大菁英,亚沙凯旋 --曼大代表队获得亚沙赛事最高荣誉沙鸥奖

日期:2017-05-04 浏览:1947作者:UOM

2017年5月2日,阿拉善   为期三天的第六届亚太地区商学院沙漠挑战赛在腾格里沙漠圆满结束。曼彻斯特大学商学院代表队24位成员,经过三天的艰苦努力,出色完赛,捧回赛事最高荣誉沙鸥奖杯。这也是曼彻斯特大学商学院代表队首次获得该荣誉。

The Sixth Asia Pacific Business School Desert Challenge (Yashasai) was concluded satisfactorily after three days’ competition in the Teng Ko Erh desert. AMBS team composed of 24 students and alumni from China and Singapore Centre got 1st place among all the overseas business schools and was awarded the highest prize - Sha’Ou Trophy, a breakthrough for AMBS in this renowned Asian business school desert competition.



Over 1800 MBA students and alumni from 81 business schools (including those from countries like Singapore, UK and Australia) joined the competition. Yashasai has gradually become one of the best-known outdoor sports among MBA alumni in Asia Pacific regions. Among all prizes, Shaou Trophy represents the highest honor. It requires every team member to walk through the desert (70 kilometers)in two days. Anyone who gives up for any reasons during the competition will lead to the failure of the whole team.



This time, the Alliance Manchester Business School team was composed of 24 students and alumni, 21 from China Centre and 3 from the Singapore Centre. All the team members fought hard to conquer all difficulties in challenging the dessert. With a strong will, faith of success and team-work, every team member completed the competition safely and successfully. This is the first time our school got Shaou since participating in this competition for four years. Their hard work leads them to success as all team members have spent the whole year practicing and training every day to enhance their overall physical conditions.




The People's Government of Alxa and the Yasha Organizing Committee jointly hosted the Chinese Foreign University President Forum – The first Chinese Sports Tourism Economic Development Summit. The forum was held the day before the competition and attracted government official, MBA alumni and some key Medias. Ms. Sherry Fu, Director of the UoM China Centre, was invited as a guest speaker and joined panel discussions. Ms. Fu represented the UoM China Centre to encourage AMBS tem to make their best in the competition at the welcome dinner.

The final performance of the Alliance Manchester Business School team was in the 1st place among all the overseas business schools. This is not only the greatest encouragement for all team members, but also represents a good work-life-study balance practice by our MBA students and alumni.



The breakthrough achievements were also contributed by other alumni and enterprises. Over 160 alumni joined the crowd-funding during preparation period.



About Asia Pacific Business School Desert Challenge Yashasai

Asia Pacific Business School Desert Challenge Yashasai was a top outdoor sport among business schools from Asia Pacific regions. The first competition was held in 2012 in the Tengger Desert, Inner Mongolia. It has been successfully held for 6 consecutive years, covering a large Asia Pacific Business School MBA community of 100 thousand students and alumni. Over 80 schools have participated, and over 4000 MBA students and alumni joined. The Sixth Asia Pacific Business School Desert Challenge was held in May 2017, with 81 top business schools from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hongkong, Macao, Singapore, UK, and Australia advocating vision of Environmental Protection, Coordination, Persistence and Responsibility.