On 22th April, Michelle, AMBS alum and Kyle, will share their experience of how to buy a property in Dubai. In this sharing, they will talk about the topics as follows:
地点:上海short-term challenges and long-term difficulties of China's economic development.
Financial risks and structural deleveraging: Logic and method
Sino-us trade friction: cause, confrontation and prospect.
RMB exchange rate: A smokeless "currency war".
Disappearing demographic dividend and its impact on China's economy.
View English Page2018年4月20日,曼彻斯特大学中国中心将源于英伦的顶尖商业教育理念带到成都,诚邀有志于成为未来商业领袖的职场精英近距离了解曼彻斯特全球在职MBA项目。届时,曼彻斯特大学中国中心课程咨询顾问将与您一对一面谈,向您介绍2018年金融时报排名全英第四的曼彻斯特全球MBA的项目特色,剖析卓著于世的曼彻斯特案例教学法“Manchester Method,学院最新的考核标准和申请流程,为职场精英们指点迷津提供职业以及教育建议
View English Page2018年4月18日,曼彻斯特商学院全球在职MBA项目教授,Jan Gregory亲临中国中心,通过卓著于世的曼彻斯特案例教学法“Manchester Method”,在高质量与极具互动性的MBA体验课堂中,为你全面展现私募股权行业,带来全新的全局视角,结合最前沿的商业案例,将商业精英们带入决策情景,将您原本在头脑中是数个孤岛式的思维方式转变成现在能够关联一体式的新思维方式。
View English PageGuan Sheng Yuan Group (GSY Group: 冠生园) is a brand name that every Chinese might have heard of. Founded in 1915, GSY Group has a long history of producing some of Chinese’s favorite food products including the well-known White Rabbit Creamy Candy (大白兔).