Talent assessment is the absolute ‘bread and butter’ of HR. We need it at every stage of the talent cycle – from hiring to career development. It’s one of the most fascinating, and challenging, parts of the job as it requires us to predict human potential.
地点:上海Venture Capital or Private Equity if a form of financing that has been emerging in the Chinese economy in recent years. Especially for smaller firms or start-up projects, the attention from venture capitalists has been widely anticipated. Some of the edgey companies such as Uber, Xiaomi and Airbnb have all received investment from venture capital.
地点:上海With the internationalization and globalization, more and more leaders have come to realize the impact of outfit for a business man/woman in the career, leadership, business environment, which is one of the leadership competencies in 21 century.
地点:上海“三八妇女节”当天PwC Youplus、欧美同学会、曼大中国中心等多方确立了第一次合作,即在4月8日下午联合举办一场主要针对海归群体开展的对话式论坛。活动旨在积极探讨如何发现、调动与会者的‘狼性’的一面, 并邀请在青年群体中广泛流行的狼人杀网络游戏中拥有过十万粉丝的网红嘉宾参与点评。
地点:2017年3月31日,曼彻斯特商学院全球MBA项目主任Elaine Ferneley教授将亲临苏州,为有志于成为未来商业领袖的职场精英举行曼彻斯特商学院全球在职MBA项目说明,与您分享曼彻斯特全球在职MBA项目项目特色,剖析卓著于世的曼彻斯特案例教学法“Manchester Method,学院最新的考核标准和申请流程,为职场精英们指点迷津提供职业以及教育建议。