  • Sunday 26 Mar. 苏州



  • Wednesday 22 Mar. 上海

    英国曼彻斯特商学院全球在职 MBA项目开放课堂:现代运营管理的机遇与挑战

    “环境时刻在变化,企业想要长远发展,保持活力和生机,就需注意到周边环境的发展改变,及时调整运营管理策略,提供对等的服务以应对挑战。”曼彻斯特商学院运营管理课程主任Paul Taaffe教授作为曼彻斯特商学院全球在职MBA项目运营管理课程主任,在运营管理领域有着深厚的学术造诣与实践经验。

  • Sunday 19 Mar. 苏州

    人民大学—曼彻斯特大学全球在职 MBA项目说明会(苏州站)

    2017年3月19日晚苏州,人民大学—曼彻斯特大学全球在职MBA项目将为您呈现东方思维和西方理念的碰撞火花。届时,中国人名大学商学院助理教授Majid Ghrbani教授将为您介绍人民大学—曼彻斯特大学全球在职MBA项目,全方位展示课程多样化和国际化等特点,深入解析该项目为学生提供的全球商业平台与中国商务实践资源。

  • Saturday 18 Mar. 上海

    B2B Marketing | UoM China Centre Alumni Careers and Events

    B2B marketing is one of those things that lie hidden in full view. Only a little thought is needed to grasp that in order for a consumer transaction to take place, numerous prior business-to-business (B2B) transactions must have successfully occurred.

  • Monday 13 Mar. 上海

    2016 China Pharma Market Review

    Rising incomes, improving healthcare infrastructure, and enhanced insurance systems have propelled the Chinese pharmaceutical market to become the second-largest in the world. However, China pharmaceutical market slowed down and saw a single-digit growth in 2016

  • Sunday 12 Mar. 上海

    Crisis in Economics and Economics in Crisis

    The Global Financial Crisis of 2007 exposed the prevalent weaknesses in mainstream economics. In particular, critics argue that while free market capitalism is extensively covered in mainstream economics, its excessive emphasis resulted in laxity in role of regulatory agencies at systemic level and absence of risk-oriented conduct & culture at financial institution level. Post the crisis, policy environment is being rapidly subjected to change, in order to address the criticism. This makes it imperative for management students to keep abreast with the latest policy level changes which are not yet incorporated into the curriculum of economics.
