  • Monday 13 Mar. 上海

    2016 China Pharma Market Review

    Rising incomes, improving healthcare infrastructure, and enhanced insurance systems have propelled the Chinese pharmaceutical market to become the second-largest in the world. However, China pharmaceutical market slowed down and saw a single-digit growth in 2016

  • Sunday 12 Mar. 上海

    Crisis in Economics and Economics in Crisis

    The Global Financial Crisis of 2007 exposed the prevalent weaknesses in mainstream economics. In particular, critics argue that while free market capitalism is extensively covered in mainstream economics, its excessive emphasis resulted in laxity in role of regulatory agencies at systemic level and absence of risk-oriented conduct & culture at financial institution level. Post the crisis, policy environment is being rapidly subjected to change, in order to address the criticism. This makes it imperative for management students to keep abreast with the latest policy level changes which are not yet incorporated into the curriculum of economics.

  • Thursday 09 Mar. 上海

    Global MBA Strategy & Competition Workshop Taster by Prof. Patrick McNutt

    On Thursday 9th March 2017, UoM China Centre is excited to host an MBA taster session in Managerial Economics, especially looking into the Strategy and Competition element. Dr. Pactrik McNutt, with over 30 years of experience in Behavioral Economics and business consultancy will be delivering an introductory session discussing how firms compete and interact in markets.

  • Saturday 14 Jan. 上海


    亲爱的曼彻斯特大学校友/同学: 曼彻斯特大学中国中心诚挚邀请您于2017年1月14日,参加曼大上海校友会成立大会、及2017校友年会。中国中心主任傅潇霄女士、曼大校友会(上海)会长雷熙文先生(普华永道大中华区首席业务发展官),与曼大校友理事会成员,诚邀您的参与。与会的还有访沪的大学领导及教授。 2016年对于中国中心来说,是意义非凡的一年。除了一如既往地稳步发展之外,中国中心更是升级更名为‘曼彻斯特大学中国中心’。本次年会是中国中心更名后的第一次年会,也是中国中心成立9周年纪念日。 今年的晚会将格外热闹。除了曼大上海校友会理事会首届理事亮相外,中心有幸邀请到了两位VIP嘉宾。一位是我们曼大李海超校友-现任"车王"董事长。车王是中国二手车零售行业的领跑者,是目前国内超大型的二手车连锁精英企业。另一位嘉宾,是点融网的共同创始人、联合首席执行官郭宇航先生。点融网是中国领先的互联网金融公司。他们将分别发表演讲。并在傅主任与雷会长的主持下,参与专题讨论,与校友进行现场互动,畅谈创业及领导力等话题。紧接着,首届曼大中国好声音的选手将纷纷上台,进行PK,角逐奖杯。 学术、商业分享与娱乐并存,在汲取知识养分的同时,还能尽情欢声笑语,畅所欲言,认识更多志同道合的校友,何乐而不为? 我们期待您的参与!

  • Saturday 14 Jan. 上海


    2017年1月14日,曼彻斯特大学中国校友晚宴暨曼大好声音决赛在上海航运和金融产业基地隆重举行。曼彻斯特大学历届校友、Global MBA在读学员、上海市欧美同学会领导,英国总领事文化教育处以及来自及企业界的合作伙伴代表们齐聚一堂, 庆祝中国中心成立9周年。

  • Tuesday 20 Dec. 上海

    Christmas Party in Shanghai & Alumni Speech

