  • Tuesday 27 Jul. 线上

    Webinar - Flexible study options for working professionals

    Are you wanting to further enhance your knowledge in a particular area but still want to continue working? You will be able to find a part-time online or blended learning course to suit your needs here at The University of Manchester. Part-time online or blended learning courses provide you with the flexibility to study alongside other commitments. The flexibility of our courses mean that you can gain a Manchester qualification from anywhere in the world. Register for this event to hear from students about their experiences of online and blended learning. Our panel of four students are based all over the world and are studying a wide range of subjects at postgraduate level.

  • Thursday 22 Jul. 上海



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  • Wednesday 21 Jul. 上海

    The University of Manchester China Centre Global MBA Reunion 2021


  • Monday 19 Jul. 线上

    Online Alumni Event with the President and Vice-Chancellor

    We are delighted to invite you to join the President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, for an online event for University of Manchester alumni on Monday 19 July 2021 at 7pm (China Standard Time). The President and Vice-Chancellor will share an update from the University and there will be the opportunity to ask questions.

  • Tuesday 06 Jul. 线上



    View English Page
  • Friday 02 Jul. 上海

    定制狂热 | 现代绅士必修课:从伦敦萨维尔街到上海

    英国是个批量生产绅士的地方。从洛基Tom Hiddleston到大表哥Dan Stevens,从卷福Benedict Cumberbatch(我们的曼大校友!)再到超人Henry Cavill,他们如同行走的衣架子,成为新一代英伦绅士形象的代言人。我们不禁好奇,他们的衣橱里面都有什么?是哪些人打造了电影《王牌特工》和詹姆斯.邦德的英俊形象吗?男士如何穿西装才显得得体、时髦?别担心,7月2日(周五)晚,我们将为您揭晓答案!
